The 30th Lake Tahoe Marathon weekend of events
October 17-19, 2025
presented by
BlueZone Sports

Super Tahoe Triple Marathon
The 15th Super Tahoe Triple is two marathons plus an ultra marathon (26.2 + 26.2 + 72.2 miles).
Run the 26.2 mile Cal-Neva Marathon on Friday
Run the 26.2 mile Lakeside Marathon on Saturday
Finally, run the 72 mile Midnight Express Ultra Marathon on Saturday night
All runners for the 72 miler MUST be lit with night reflecting gear, flashing lights that will not be missed by approaching cars, and head lamps or flashlights. Runners who show up at the start line without these lights will not be able to run the race. This rule will be strictly enforced and is for every runner's safety. See the Tahoe 72 Mile Ultra details
Details will be explained at the Triple meeting Thursday night. See the Triple Marathon for details
Special award for the Super Triple finishers
Same entry fee as the Tahoe Triple
Note: The (one day) Around-the-Lake 72 mile ultra record is held by Rae Clark with a time of approximately 9:06:11 set in 1982.
Read three-time winner Peter Lubber's Super Triple Blog
See Elevation Chart and Course Map
Super Triple Champs
Robert Carter - 2013
Age 41
Day 1: 4:10:05
Day 2: 4:04:29
Day 3: 17:19:19
Total time: 25:33:33
1st, 1st, 1st
Vanessa Kline - 2013
Age 32
Day 1: 4:17:29
Day 2: 4:41:03
Day 3: 14:42:14
Total Time: 23:40:46
1st, 1st, 1st
Jimmy Dean Freeman - 2012
Age 35
Day 1: 3:36:08
Day 2: 3:23:12
Day 3: 13:38:07
Total Time: 20:37:27
1st, 1st, 1st
Yolanda Holder - 2012
Age 54
Day 1: 6:05:10
Day 2: 5:46:01
Day 3: 18:50:03
Total Time: 30:41:44
1st, 1st, 1st
Juan de Oliva Martinez - 2011
Age 27
Day 1: 3:29:00
Day 2: 3:24:10
Day 3: 13:19:21
Total Time: 20:12:41
1st, 1st, 1st
Mindy Coolman - 2011
Age 29
Day 1: 4:27:38
Day 2: 4:07:07
Day 3: 16:47:45
Total Time: 25:22:30
1st, 1st, 1st
Ed Ferrell - 2010
Age 47
Grayson, GA
Day 1: 4:15:08
Day 2: 4:15:56
Day 3: 16:35:02
Total Time: 25:06:06
2nd, 2nd, 1st
Peter Lubbers - 2008
Oregon House, CA
Day 1: 3:23:22
Day 2: 3:29:19
Day 3: 13:39:42
Total Time: 20:32:23
1st, 1st, 2nd
Peter Lubbers - 2007
Oregon House, CA
Day 1: 3:45:20
Day 2: 3:44:28
Day 3: 15:37:04
Total Time: 23:06:52
1st, 1st, 1st
Peter Lubbers - 2006
Oregon House, CA
Day 1: 4:04:59
Day 2: 4:17:57
Day 3: 15:02:23
Total Time: 23:25:18
2nd, 2nd, 1st
Esther White - 2006
Waterford, CA
Day 1: 4:41:02
Day 2: 4:33:08
Day 3: 14:15:42
Total Time: 23:29:51
1st, 1st, 1st