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The Tahoe Triple Marathon (3 x 26.2) Group

Public·525 members
Nick Colson
Nick Colson

Maintaining weight loss results after using Semaglutide

After completing the course, I contacted the experts at the Montefiore Clinic to see how best to maintain my results. I was convinced of the effectiveness of semaglutide injections. They offered a personalized weight maintenance plan that included diet and exercise recommendations. What I particularly liked was their approach, which focused on long-term maintenance. They explained that the key is not to return to your previous lifestyle but to create a new balance. For example, gradually reducing calories so that the body adapts while not being stressed by dieting. Consultations with a nutritionist and regular check-ups helped me understand how to maintain my weight steadily and not worry about the pounds coming back.

jessie maunt
jessie maunt

I think the most important thing to realize after finishing a course of Semaglutide is that the drug is not a magic solution. Yes, it helps you lose weight, but you have to keep working on yourself to keep the results. Personally, a combination of moderate exercise and a healthy diet helps me. I try to stick to the habits that appeared during the course, and not to return to previous mistakes. It is also important not to overload yourself with rigid diets - a balanced diet with enough proteins and vegetables keeps the weight off much more effectively.



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