The 30th Lake Tahoe Marathon weekend of events
October 17-19, 2025
presented by
BlueZone Sports

The Lake Tahoe Double Marathon
The 7th Lake Tahoe Double Marathon comprises the Cal-Neva Marathon course & Lake Tahoe Marathon back-to-back. It starts at the Sand Harbor entrance on Saturday night or early Sunday morning and has a 3 PM cut-off on Sunday. It ends at Lakeside Beach, making a total distance of 52.4. miles. Two marathons back to back. Two medals are awarded. It is not a race, just a very tough double Marathon and an amazing accomplishment—less than ten double marathon participants.
See Elevation Map and Course Mile Markers
Things to Know:
The Tahoe Double Marathon will start just north of in the driveway to the boat parking lot to Sand Harbor and will finish with all the other races at Lakeside Beach.
Start on the new bike path and run the first 2 miles on it before getting back onto the shoulder of Hwy28.
You will need to be lit up with a headlamp and flashers like a Xmas tree as there will be few street lights.
See the two courses on the map to the left.
You will need a support car as the first marathon is unsupported.
You will choose your starting time so as to finish before 3PM Sunday and try to time your run as to be at the start line of the Sunday morning LTM so that you can take advantage of the aid stations for the last 26 miles of your double marathon.
You will self start after you text in your name, number and starting time to the Timer.
You will run on the shoulder of the road facing traffic on Hwy. 28 running towards Incline Village, Kings Beach, Tahoe City, Homewood, Tahoma, and finish with all the other races at Lakeside Beach
All runners for the Tahoe Double Marathon MUST be lit with reflecting gear, and flashing lights that will not be missed by approaching cars, anda head lamps or flashlight. Runners who show up at the start line without these lights will not be part of this event. This rule will be strictly enforced and is for every runners safety.
There will be an orientation meeting at the Expo on Saturday afternoon with the 72 milers. See time line for details
Timing ends at 3 PM for all events on Sunday.
After the Cal Neva Marathon, the Lake Tahoe Marathon will be supported unless your too fast and get a head of the aid stations.
Support vehicle-person will be allowed to support up to 3 runners maximum.
The support vehicle-person will need to monitor your well being and tend to your nutritional needs for the first 26 miles from Sand Harbor to Homewood.
You will be rewarded with a finishers medal for the Cal Neva Marathon and the Lake Tahoe Marathon plus completion award for your Double Marathon.