The 30th Lake Tahoe Marathon weekend of events
October 17-19, 2025
presented by
BlueZone Sports

Charities & Scholarships
The Lake Tahoe Marathon is a 501(c)3 non profit tax exempt organization. It's purpose is to provide a class event for runners to enjoy Lake Tahoe. Grants and scholarships are distributed, but not limited, to Lake Tahoe youth teams and clubs. Individual High School scholarships of $500 are given to students who have volunteered time to the Marathon for at least two years, are going on to college, are good citizens, and provide the recommendations of their teachers and/or coach. Scholarships are decided by the Lake Tahoe Marathon Scholarship Committee and distributed at the student's high school awards night in June.
Grants/Donations have been Awarded to:
Black Bear Pipe Band
Fallon Families First
Lake Tahoe Community College Foundation
League to Save Lake Tahoe
North Tahoe High School Cross Country Team
NY Police & Fire
Widows and Children's Fund
O.P.E.N (Ordinary People meeting Extraordinary Needs)
Running USA Olympic Training Team
South Tahoe High School Cheerleaders, Cross Country Team, Jr. Naval ROTC, Golf Team, Volleyball Team, and Girls Basketball Team
South Tahoe Boys & Girls Club
South Tahoe French Club
South Tahoe Dug Out Club
South Tahoe Middle School Club Live
South Tahoe Seniors
Special Olympics
Tahoe Arts Project
Tahoe Heat Girls Softball
STAT Grant
A Special Lake Tahoe Marathon Grant of $2300 was given STAT to pay for 20 Fair Share Scholarships for South Tahoe High School or South Tahoe Middle School Athletes who otherwise could not afford the student athletic fee for 2005-2006.
Local High School Student Scholarships